Monday, February 14, 2011


I Am a Responsible Netizen
            As a netizen I must be responsible and being responsible is a task for all of us. We make things so easy for us but for all I know being responsible is such a difficult thing. If we know how to be a responsible student we must be a responsible blogger and most specially a netizen.
            What a netizen is? A netizen is the one who mostly uses the internet in most of his or her needs specially us students. Students like me are considered netizen simply because of our need of internet. For instances: doing a research, playing online games, using different internet programs like facebook, gmail, yahoo mail, skype, friendster and mostly blog. Those given sites are just some of the examples of the use of internet. By using some of those sites like blog we can express everything we want- express our happiness, our sadness, our joyfulness, our goals, our triumphs in life.
            There are types of blogs used by the netizen but the well-known is the personal blog which I am task to do one. In this type of blog you can post your literary works or the story of your life, but having those kinds of sites means having a big responsibility to handle. If you can’t handle those things on the right way, don’t oblige yourself to have a real complicated one.
            As for a netizen there are rules and regulations to follow. For I am a responsible netizen I must follow very well those given rules and regulations. Example of those standards: if you want to post something on your blog you must check if your work doesn’t have similarities on other’s work that can be called plagiarism. Another example is that you must check your grammar, especially when your post was on the English language. Always remember that your blog is always open to all, not only here on the Philippines but around the world. It’s a shame for you if you post crazy thing on your blog. Don’t post malicious things on your blog because it would be against you. Even though for you it is not malicious but not all people think as you do. Be responsible in posting comments or works in your blog.
            As for a, netizen be responsible on handling your passwords. Don’t make other people know your passwords. It is because you do those sites for personal purposes so you don’t want to let others interrupt you privacy. As for others you must not invade their privacy too. It is a part of you that not anyone can change. Instead of having so many passwords decide to have one constant password so that it was easy for you to remember it.
            Those above are just some of the ways to be a responsible netizen. For me, I am a responsible netizen because I follow all those standards I just enumerate a while ago . I am a real responsible netizen.

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